Dave's Garden Newsletter for August 15: covering the events of yesterday.


Table of contents:
1.  Gardening Quote of the Day
2.  Summary
3.  Detailed News
4.  Final Notes

Section 1: Gardening Quote of the Day:

"Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul." - The Koran

Section 2: News Summary:

2a. Traffic Activity:
25 member signups.

2b. Forum activity:

The Photos forum had 205 posts.
The General Discussion forum had 81 posts.
The Seed Trading forum had 50 posts.
The Identification forum had 22 posts.
The Plant Trading forum had 18 posts.
The Mail Call! forum had 18 posts.
The Brug and Datura Contest forum had 16 posts.
The Welcome Mat forum had 15 posts.
The Dave's Garden forum had 14 posts.
The Brugs and Friends forum had 13 posts.
The Trees & Shrubs forum had 11 posts.
The Roses forum had 11 posts.
The Perennials forum had 11 posts.
The United Kingdom forum had 10 posts.
The Stay at Home Moms forum had 8 posts.
The Soil forum had 7 posts.
The Pests and Diseases forum had 7 posts.
The Hydrangeas forum had 7 posts.
The Vines and Climbers forum had 6 posts.
The House Plants forum had 6 posts.
The Hands on Home forum had 6 posts.
The Wild Life forum had 5 posts.
The Propagation forum had 5 posts.
The Garden Talk forum had 5 posts.
The Farm Life forum had 5 posts.
The Dirt Cheap forum had 5 posts.
The Book Worms forum had 5 posts.
The Tomatoes forum had 4 posts.
The Heirlooms forum had 4 posts.
The Bulbs forum had 4 posts.
The Xeriscaping forum had 2 posts.
The Water Gardens forum had 2 posts.
The Shady Gardens forum had 2 posts.
The Market Growers forum had 2 posts.
The Day Lilies forum had 2 posts.
The Computer Talk forum had 2 posts.
The Recipes forum had 1 post.
The Home Decorating forum had 1 post.

2c. Journal Activity:

12 new items.
50 new entries.
2 new images.

2d. Plants Database activity:

29 additions to the master plants database
32 descriptions were added.

Section 3: Detailed News:

3a. Plants Database Changes or Additions:

jeannesuesmith added the following plant:
Common name: Diascia 'Summer's Dance'
Genus: Diascia
Species: x hybridus
Category: Annuals
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1006.html

jeannesuesmith added the following plant:
Common name: Royal Opal Aster
Genus: Aster
Species: diamosus
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1007.html

Chuck added the following plant:
Common name: Applegate's Paintbrush
Genus: Castilleja
Species: applegatei
Category: Wildflowers
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1008.html

Chuck added the following plant:
Common name: Giant Red Paintbrush
Genus: Castilleja
Species: miniata
Category: Wildflowers
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1009.html

gardendragon added the following plant:
Common name: Willow amsonia
Genus: Amsonia
Species: tabernaemontana
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1010.html

eyesoftexas added the following plant:
Common name: 
Category: Shrubs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1011.html

eyesoftexas added the following plant:
Common name: Flowering Maple
Genus: Abutilon
Species: pictum 'Thompsonii'
Category: Shrubs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1012.html

go_vols added the following plant:
Common name: Wild Strawberry
Genus: Fragaria
Species: vesca
Category: Wildflowers
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1013.html

go_vols added the following plant:
Common name: Celandine Poppy, Wood Poppy
Genus: Stylophorum
Species: diphyllum
Category: Alpines and Rock Gardens
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1014.html

eltel added the following plant:
Common name: 
Genus: Acnistus
Species: australis
Category: Shrubs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1015.html

eltel added the following plant:
Common name: Keeled garlic
Genus: Allium
Species: pulchellum
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1016.html

eltel added the following plant:
Common name: African lily
Genus: Agapanthus
Category: Herbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1017.html

eltel added the following plant:
Common name: Josephs Coat
Genus: Alternanthera
Species: amoena
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1018.html

eltel added the following plant:
Common name: 
Genus: Aristea
Species: ecklonii/major
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1019.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Sneezewort
Genus: Achillea
Species: ptarmica
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1020.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Woolly Yarrow
Genus: Achillea
Species: tomentosa
Category: Alpines and Rock Gardens
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1021.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Martagon lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: martagon
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1022.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Regal Lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: regale
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1023.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Madonna Lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: candidum
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1024.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Tiger Lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: lancifolium
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1025.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Easter Lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: longiflorum
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1026.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Canada Lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: canadense
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1027.html

poppysue added the following plant:
Common name: Turk's-Cap Lily
Genus: Lilium
Species: superbum
Category: Bulbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1028.html

herbin added the following plant:
Common name: Greek Column Basil, Lesbos Basil
Genus: Ocimum
Species: 'Lesbos'
Category: Herbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1029.html

herbin added the following plant:
Common name: Fo-ti
Genus: Polygonum
Species: multiflorum
Category: Herbs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1030.html

mystic added the following plant:
Common name: Tulip Poplar, Tulip tree
Genus: Liriodendron
Species: tulipifera
Category: Trees
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1031.html

talinum added the following plant:
Common name: Rock Purslane  or  Redmaids
Genus: Calandrinia
Species: grandiflora
Category: Alpines and Rock Gardens
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1032.html

mystic added the following plant:
Common name: Sweet Gum / Red Gum
Genus: Liquidambar
Species: styraciflua
Category: Trees
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1033.html

talinum added the following plant:
Common name: Oregon Sunshine
Genus: Eriophyllum
Species: lanatum  'Pointe'
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/1034.html

JJsgarden added: "How to harvest seeds" to the 
Powdery Thalia (Thalia dealbata):

jeannesuesmith added: "General Description" to the 
Diascia 'Summer's Dance' (Diascia x hybridus):

jeannesuesmith added: "General Description" to the 
Royal Opal Aster (Aster diamosus):

JJsgarden added: "How to germinate from seed" to the 
Powdery Thalia (Thalia dealbata):

JJsgarden added: "Alternative Propogation Methods" to the 
Powdery Thalia (Thalia dealbata):

gardendragon added: "General Description" to the 
New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis):

gardendragon added: "General Description" to the 
Gas Plant or Burning Bush (Dictamnus albus (fraxinella)):

gardendragon added: "General Description" to the 
Ladybell (Adenophora confusa):

gardendragon added: "General Description" to the 
Carpet Bugle, Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans):

gardendragon added: "General Description" to the 
Hollyhock (Alcea rosea):

gardendragon added: "General Description" to the 
Willow amsonia (Amsonia tabernaemontana):

eyesoftexas added: "Cultivar/Variety Name and Description" to the 
Turkish Mullein, Silver Mullein (Verbascum bombyciferum):

eyesoftexas added: "General Description" to the 
Flowering Maple (Abutilon pictum 'Thompsonii'):

eltel added: "General Description" to the 
 (Acnistus australis):

eltel added: "General Description" to the 
Keeled garlic (Allium pulchellum):

eltel added: "General Description" to the 
African lily (Agapanthus ):

eltel added: "General Description" to the 
Josephs Coat (Alternanthera amoena):

eltel added: "General Description" to the 
 (Aristea ecklonii/major):

mystic added: "General Description" to the 
Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus):

mystic added: "General Description" to the 
Stevia, Sweet Herb of Paraguay (Stevia rebaudiana):

herbin added: "General Description" to the 
Mexican Mint Marigold, Sweet mace (Tagetes lucida):

herbin added: "General Description" to the 
Greek Column Basil, Lesbos Basil (Ocimum 'Lesbos'):

talinum added: "How to germinate from seed" to the 
South African Foxglove / Wild foxglove (Ceratotheca triloba):

herbin added: "General Description" to the 
Fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum):

mystic added: "General Description" to the 
Tulip Poplar, Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera):

mystic added: "Cultivar/Variety Name and Description" to the 
Tulip Poplar, Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera):

talinum added: "General Description" to the 
Rock Purslane  or  Redmaids (Calandrinia grandiflora):

talinum added: "How to germinate from seed" to the 
Rock Purslane  or  Redmaids (Calandrinia grandiflora):

talinum added: "Alternative Propogation Methods" to the 
Rock Purslane  or  Redmaids (Calandrinia grandiflora):

mystic added: "General Description" to the 
Sweet Gum / Red Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua):

talinum added: "General Description" to the 
Oregon Sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum  'Pointe'):

talinum added: "How to germinate from seed" to the 
Oregon Sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum  'Pointe'):

Section 4: Final Notes:

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter.
If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these 
mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page 
at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the 
checkbox for this newsletter.  

Have a good day, and happy gardening!
Dave Whitinger

And that's the way it was...  August 14, 2001