Dave's Garden Newsletter for August 4: covering the events of yesterday.


Table of contents:
1.  Gardening Quote of the Day
2.  Summary
3.  Detailed News
4.  Final Notes

Section 1: Gardening Quote of the Day:

"Lord make us mindful of the little things that grow and blossom in these
days to make the world beautiful for us." -  W. E. DuBois

Section 2: News Summary:

2a. Traffic Activity:
21188 pageviews yesterday.
10 member signups.

2b. Forum activity:

The Photos forum had 158 posts.
The General Discussion forum had 97 posts.
The Identification forum had 43 posts.
The Brug and Datura Contest forum had 21 posts.
The Seed Trading forum had 19 posts.
The Hydrangeas forum had 19 posts.
The Recipes forum had 18 posts.
The Vines and Climbers forum had 15 posts.
The Brugs and Friends forum had 12 posts.
The Pests and Diseases forum had 11 posts.
The Mail Call! forum had 10 posts.
The Computer Talk forum had 10 posts.
The Dirt Cheap forum had 9 posts.
The Dave's Garden forum had 9 posts.
The Bulbs forum had 9 posts.
The Stay at Home Moms forum had 8 posts.
The House Plants forum had 8 posts.
The Perennials forum had 7 posts.
The Garden Talk forum had 7 posts.
The Farm Life forum had 6 posts.
The Book Worms forum had 6 posts.
The International Trading forum had 5 posts.
The Heirlooms forum had 5 posts.
The Wild Plants forum had 4 posts.
The United Kingdom forum had 4 posts.
The Tomatoes forum had 4 posts.
The Roses forum had 4 posts.
The Propagation forum had 4 posts.
The Plant Trading forum had 4 posts.
The Orchids forum had 4 posts.
The Water Gardens forum had 3 posts.
The Succulents forum had 3 posts.
The Soil forum had 3 posts.
The Organic Gardening forum had 2 posts.
The Market Growers forum had 2 posts.
The Health forum had 2 posts.
The Disabled Gardeners forum had 2 posts.
The Co-Op forum had 2 posts.
The Seed Saving forum had 1 post.
The Handyman forum had 1 post.

2c. Journal Activity:

21 new items.
33 new entries.
16 new images.

2d. Plants Database activity:

16 additions to the master plants database
4 descriptions were added.

Section 3: Detailed News:

3a. Plants Database Changes or Additions:

Doris_J added the following plant:
Common name: Oriental Poppy
Genus: Papaver
Species: orientale
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/633.html

Doris_J added the following plant:
Common name: Globe Thistle
Genus: Echinops
Species: ritro
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/634.html

Doris_J added the following plant:
Common name: Primrose
Genus: Primula
Species: beesiana
Category: Ponds and Aquatics
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/635.html

Doris_J added the following plant:
Common name: Sedum
Genus: Sedum
Species: 'Autumn Joy'
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/636.html

Doris_J added the following plant:
Common name: Hens and Chicks
Genus: Sempervivum
Species: tectorum
Category: Alpines and Rock Gardens
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/637.html

gardengrrl added the following plant:
Common name: Sweet Sultan
Genus: Amberboa (or Centaurea)
Species: moschata
Category: Annuals
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/638.html

gardengrrl added the following plant:
Common name: Texas Sage, Scarlet Sage
Genus: Salvia
Species: coccinea 'Coral Nymph'
Category: Annuals
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/639.html

gardengrrl added the following plant:
Common name: Clary Sage, Painted Sage, Hormium Sage
Genus: Salvia
Species: viridis  'Claryssa'
Category: Annuals
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/640.html

go_vols added the following plant:
Common name: Summer Poinsettia, Mexican Fire Plant
Genus: Euphorbia
Species: cyathophora
Category: Annuals
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/641.html

Verdesign added the following plant:
Common name: Hydrangea
Genus: Hydrangea
Species: villosa
Category: Shrubs
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/642.html

Trish added the following plant:
Common name: Brazilian Plume, Flamingo Flower, Jacobinia
Genus: Justicia
Species: carnea
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/643.html

Floridian added the following plant:
Common name: Trumpet Vine
Genus: Campsis
Species: radicans
Category: Vines and Climbers
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/644.html

Verdesign added the following plant:
Common name: Miscanthus
Genus: Miscanthus
Species: sinensis
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/645.html

go_vols added the following plant:
Common name: Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot, Fairy Candles
Genus: Cimicifuga
Species: racemosa
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/646.html

mystic added the following plant:
Common name: Rudbeckia
Genus: Rudbeckia
Species: Herbstsonne
Category: Perennials
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/647.html

mystic added the following plant:
Common name: Love in a Puff
Genus: Cardiospermum
Species: Halicacabum
Category: Vines and Climbers
URL: http://davesgarden.com/plants/go/648.html

Verdesign added: "General Description" to the 
Hydrangea (Hydrangea villosa):

Floridian added: "General Description" to the 
Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans):

Verdesign added: "General Description" to the 
Miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis):

mystic added: "General Description" to the 
Love in a Puff (Cardiospermum Halicacabum):

Section 4: Final Notes:

Thank you for reading the Dave's Garden Newsletter.
If you ever decide you don't wish to receive these 
mailings anymore, simply go to your preferences page 
at Dave's Garden and remove the check in the 
checkbox for this newsletter.  

Have a good day, and happy gardening!
Dave Whitinger

And that's the way it was...  August 3, 2001