Photo by Melody

yogaman's Member Page


  yogaman wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is:
  • The current local time for me is 12:00 AM
  • I'm in zone 9a
  • I live in Houston, TX (Zone 9a)
  • My birthday is September 29

  A note from yogaman:  
"I have lived in the Houston area for about 25 years. I teach photography at Houston Community College and also do sculpture, pottery and painting. I have been collecting daylilies for a couple of years. I have always had daylilies in my yard, but recently I have been digging up more grass and putting in beds to expand my collection. I am focused on collecting award winners, Stout silver medal etc. I have about 80 varieties and adding more as space becomes available. I may have to move to a larger plot of land. I love taking pictures of the blooms. I shoot mostly digital now and Photoshop 7 has replaced my old darkroom. I plan to start hybridizing next year and have spent a lot of time organizing the plants and keeping records"

yogaman signed up on Jun 12, 2003