Photo by Melody
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thelovelyplants's Member Page


  thelovelyplants wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is: The Lovely Plants
  • The current local time for me is 09:04 AM
  • I live in Lahore,

  A note from thelovelyplants:  
"Hello! My name is Aleem and I blog at This website is all about plants, their cultivation, their habitat, their flowers, and the joy that they spread. This website displays plants mostly from my own collection.

I am a businessman and spend my leisure hours with plants and flowers – they are my passion. My early childhood memories are associated with trees, flowers, plants and birds of all kinds - they are a rare sight these days.

I have been growing almost all kinds of plants: shrubs, perennials, trees, fruits, creepers, climbers, bulbs and biennials. My current passion are Cacti, Agave, Haworthia and other succulents.

Feel free to comments or ask questions."

thelovelyplants signed up on Jul 20, 2010