Photo by Melody

thecrewsc's Member Page


  thecrewsc wants you to know:  

  A note from thecrewsc:  
"Favorite Plants: Culinary and medicinal herbs. The oddly edible. I have a special interest in unusual root vegetables as I have a diabetic husband who believes eating right takes the fun out of life. The more I can appeal to his sense of adventure without losing flavor, the more he's willing to take care of himself. If I can grow it, then we both win.

Biography: Mother of 6, wife of 23 years, reformed convenience and shop-a-holic... waiting (sometimes patiently) for grandchildren.

Interests: Sustainable living, herbology, handcrafts using recycled, repurposed materials (old sweaters, jeans, etc...) and helping to preserve the lost arts of spinning, knitting, weaving, etc... in a "buy it new, buy it now" world. I adore technology but refuse to own a cell phone. Why willingly carry a leash in my purse?
I'm learning all I can about edible landscaping to make the best use we can of the small space we have right now.

On Trading: I prefer to receive seeds in trade. I'll go to the expense of sending plants only for trades of plants or seeds I can't get for the same or less at home."

thecrewsc signed up on Aug 31, 2008