Photo by Melody

sierrawoman's Member Page


  sierrawoman wants you to know:  

  A note from sierrawoman:  
"I live in Honor, Michigan, a small rural community on the boarder of the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, off the Lake Michigan shoreline. My husband and I own 20 acres amid 200, and share what is basically a two-track with the two other families who live back here. We love it! We have three sons, 22, 18 and 13--plus two dogs and a few cats. I have provided child care in our home for the past 22 years and I am the chairperson of the local Sierra Club. I love camping, hiking, reading, music, cooking (I've been a vegetarian most of my life--so is my family)and gatherings with friends & family. My love of nature and my respect for Mother Earth lead me to my work with the Sierra Club and to gardening as well. My goal is to turn almost all of our yard into a wildlife habitat using primarily native plants. I'm getting there slowly but surely and enjoying it every step of the way!"

sierrawoman signed up on Apr 20, 2003