Photo by Melody

sfb_dot_com's Member Page


  sfb_dot_com wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is: Chromagraph Originals
  • The current local time for me is 12:25 PM
  • I'm in zone 9b
  • I live in Truro,
    United Kingdom (Zone 9b)
  • My birthday is October 28

  A note from sfb_dot_com:  
"I'm a Nurse working in Mental Health who graduated as a botanist many years ago, and still harbour ambitions to escape from my stressful job and use my degree to obtain a more rewarding lifestyle. I have always loved plants and gardening, which I get from my mother who is a very successful gardener."

  Photo from sfb_dot_com  
"At the Lickey Hills"

Picture of sfb_dot_com

sfb_dot_com signed up on Apr 24, 2006