Photo by Melody

pdxJules's Member Page


  pdxJules wants you to know:  

  A note from pdxJules:  
"Please see my HAVE and WANT Exchange lists
at Garden Web, under pdxJules: //

If you are in the Portland, Oregon area,
I offer rootable cuttings, seed, fresh herbs.

I have the fragrant Daphne that everyone wants by their front door in winter. Others have been generous to me, so I send Free Seeds for SASE to new gardeners! Lots of cooking punkin, acorn squash and Mexican Choice Honeydew melon seed available now...winter 2005.

Loads of extra flower seed too...tall frilly pink Hollyhock, dollar plant - galore, way more.

Thanx for visiting! Julie"

  Photo from pdxJules  
"This Varigated Brug is an oddity in Oregon - has to stay indoors half the year - and be protected from drying sun and wind outdoors.rather finicky - but WOW the blooms!"

Picture of pdxJules

pdxJules signed up on Sep 22, 2003