Photo by Melody
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oldcogers's Member Page


  oldcogers wants you to know:  
  • My favorite website is: The Gardenweb
  • My second favorite website is: Morning glory pictures
  • The current local time for me is 05:40 AM
  • I'm in zone 9a
  • I live in Hummingbird Country,
    United States (Zone 9a)
  • My birthday is March 12

  A note from oldcogers:  
"I am very interested in Argyreia, Calystegia, Convolvulaceae (Convolvulus), Evolvulus, Ipomoea, Jacquemontia, and Merremia. I have recently acquired Ipomea (Merrima) Mauritiana, Ipomea leptophylla, Argyreia Nervosa, and lpomoea fistulosa/Ipomoea carnea. I am new to the rarer morning glory family’s. I am seeking seeds, which would present a challenge growing and create learning opportunities while creating a positive growth aspect for myself in the plant field."

  Photo from oldcogers  
"Mt Fuji MG"

Picture of oldcogers

oldcogers signed up on May 17, 2002