Photo by Melody

nevadagdn's Member Page


  nevadagdn wants you to know:  

  A note from nevadagdn:  
"I am particularly fond of spring bulbs (especially antique varieties), Japanese Maples, Peonies (both tree and herbaceous), unusual perennials and things that shouldn't be hardy here, but manage to survive in spite of the label. I'll try ANY plant..until I've killed it three separate times!

Growing perennials (and bulbs) from seed was an overwhelming success.

On my ratings: If I use "neutral" it means "neutral", and usually "I don't have enough information to fully judge". I get sad when a previously excellent company slips and I have to downgrade my rating. I try to update my ratings every time I purchase from a company. Some of the Top 30 are so good I've been buying with them for over 10 years."

nevadagdn signed up on Jun 23, 2002