Photo by Melody

nb6033's Member Page


  nb6033 wants you to know:  

  A note from nb6033:  
""Month-to-Month Perennial and Shrub Maintenance Chart for the Mid-Atlantic Region"~~a comprehensive distillation of gardening information for Mid-Atlantic zones 6a to 7b, organized in an easy-to-use format! With 12 months across the top of this 44-page, 8.5" x 11" Chart and 104 perennials and 65 shrubs going down the left side, you will find comprehensive info on when and how the plant should be pruned, whether the shrub blooms on new or old wood, when to divide, types and timing of fertilizer, deadheading advice (and if secondary flowering occurs), Native plants, pH preference, flowering time, winter interest, optimum type of soil with moisture, light and zone ranges, cross-index of Latin and common names, plant specific comments, Key on each page, USDA Hardiness Zone Map, some of the newer thinking on plant needs and care. Glossy handsome cover.

Sales benefit the National Capital Area Garden Clubs District II (DC, MD, VA) community out-reach projects. To order, please contact Nancy Burns at The $14 includes all shipping and handling! Many thanks! Nancy"

nb6033 signed up on Jul 11, 2005