Photo by Melody

nanx's Member Page


  nanx wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is: Nancy C's
  • My favorite website is:
  • The current local time for me is 08:25 AM
  • I'm in zone 7a
  • I live in Nashville, TN (Zone 7a)
  • My birthday is September 5

  A note from nanx:  
"In 1995 I moved back home, to stay, with my parents. Mom's health declined and so did the yard. Up until April 2004 we hadn't done very much gardening with her ill, mostly just keeping things mowed, a place for kids to play, and large branches cleared off is about it. In 2004 I "inherited" Mom's garden and got it into shape as a memorial to her. Since then we have turned it back into the tranquil retreat like Mom had it, reviving old plants, adding new ones, restructuring and new structuring. I didn't realize how our family missed Mom's garden until I got busy on it. We enjoy it like a large outdoor family room off the house like the old days, sitting, enjoying fragrances, talking. Every bit of my time off from work is spent doing something in the garden. There's always some project going on. That's what I think gardeners love, it's never finished, it's only done for the day. People who come to the house or pass by often comment on it, much to my great satisfaction. People who knew me in the past few years didn't know I used to be an avid gardener up until then and ask when I got interested in gardening. Pretty strange to hear, let alone, imagine I went so long without pushing myself around the yard with obsession like I used to. This year I am a Master Gardener intern, but I don't know how people get time for their class hours, I've been so busy with our own yard!! Tidbit: I'm Passionate for Passiflora! That's how I found DG to begin with, doing a search on the internet. I gave Mom some about 20 years ago from my own yard, but she took it down because it was overgrowing the grandkids' treehouse!! In the last few years we were talking about some special old plants and she asked "why did I ever get rid of it?" The grandchildren of course. That goes for wisteria, it too got in the way of the treehouse. I'm growing new wisteria too. (Well, I'm not actually growing anything, I'm only encouraging it all to grow.) "

nanx signed up on Jun 19, 2004