Photo by Melody

misstwiggley's Member Page


  misstwiggley wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 04:05 AM
  • I live in Carthage, MO
  • My birthday is September 18

  A note from misstwiggley:  
"I've just discovered Dave's Garden! I have really enjoyed the Garden Web, and hope I can learn how to navigate around this site, so I can enjoy it too! I have just started to learn the pleasures of the Plant Exchange Forums!!! I've made a few plant exchanges and have had alot of fun. I'm more concerned about giving a nice plant in exchange instead of worrying about what I receive. I appreciate any advice I can get on plant exchanging.

I have just whittled down my 200 X 50 foot garden to a more managable size for me, and I'm enjoying it so much more!"

misstwiggley signed up on Jun 25, 2005