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mbj1981's Member Page


  mbj1981 wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 12:21 AM
  • I'm in zone 7a
  • I live in RUTHER GLEN, VA (Zone 7a)
  • My birthday is December 22

  A note from mbj1981:  
"I am a 30-year old married guy living on a 50-acre lot with almost one acre cleared, for my front/back/side yards and my drain field. The other 49-acres are forested and have been for at least 57 years. There are two old "Telegraph Roads", one "Old Mill Road", and two old logging roads. (None are actual roads but semi-cleared paths through the woods from ages ago when telegraph lines ran through the property(along US Route 1), when the old mill was operating on the property(been gone for over 120 years), and the logging roads from when they cleared my and/or surrounding family land.)

I am just trying to turn my cleared land in to something more peaceful with native plants and trees that will also entice and feed local wildlife and possibly us as well. Also trying to turn different areas in to different types of landscapes. (i.e. Aspen Meadow, Woodland Garden, Orchard, Bog/Wetland next to a creek, etc.)

Any information, help, hints, plants, etc will and would be appreciated. I look forward to talking with many of you. Cheers!


mbj1981 signed up on Feb 10, 2012