Photo by Melody

marshallsmyth's Member Page


  marshallsmyth wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is: facebook
  • The current local time for me is 07:46 AM
  • I'm in zone 3a
  • I live in Dillon, MT (Zone 3a)
  • My birthday is August 23

  A note from marshallsmyth:  
"Update: I live in California now, Lake Pillsbury. Yes, I have bred up some new varieties, and I promise I'll go to these forums more often now.
I am becoming a gardener again. Organic, biodynamic raised bed. This year I'm starting a tomato breeding program with 20 different heirlooms, hybridizing and strong multiple selections. Also with cantaloupes; charantais, noir des carmes, and boule d'oro. I will try to grow several watermelons too, which is darned near impossible here in montana. I used to live in Santa Rosa Ca. Is there anyone here I know? More later!"

  Photo from marshallsmyth  
"Our little Calypso Orchids native here at Lake Pillsbury Ca. "

Picture of marshallsmyth

marshallsmyth signed up on Feb 4, 2004