Photo by Melody

mamamoondancer's Member Page


  mamamoondancer wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is: Tribe of the Goddess
  • My favorite website is: Daves Garden
  • My second favorite website is: Witches Voice
  • My third favorite website is: Ebay
  • The current local time for me is 04:35 AM
  • I'm in zone 5a
  • I live in Milwaukee, WI (Zone 5a)
  • My birthday is February 25

  A note from mamamoondancer:  
"My name is Moondancer and I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I am 35 year old
Cherokee woman. I see the spirit in everything around me and hold our mother, the earth, deep in my heart. This is something I hope to pass on to my two wonderful children. I am very new to growing things, though not new to uses for many of the plants and “weeds” native to my area. I have been studying herbal medicine for a long time and recently began a series of classes on herbal techniques within the wise woman tradition. I am a very practical gardener. If I cannot eat it, use it medicinally, or attract things with it, I am not sure what to do with it. : )

  Photo from mamamoondancer  

Picture of mamamoondancer

mamamoondancer signed up on May 16, 2004