Photo by Melody

indigophinux's Member Page


  indigophinux wants you to know:  
  • my homepage is: Mystic Indigo
  • My favorite website is: Herbal Gallery
  • The current local time for me is 02:04 PM
  • I'm in zone 7a
  • I live in Knoxville, TN (Zone 7a)
  • My birthday is July 23

  A note from indigophinux:  
"I am just starting out and do not have a lot to share, but I am willing and would be more than happy!! I love to garden and this is the year that I am going to create my space of solitude."

  Photo from indigophinux  
"This was my very first red sunflower and I didn't plant seeds to produce it. Every year I plant sunflowers and this year, this one just came up."

Picture of indigophinux

indigophinux signed up on Mar 26, 2005