Photo by Melody

indianaguy's Member Page


  indianaguy wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 12:18 PM
  • I'm in zone 7a
  • I live in Harrisburg, PA (Zone 7a)
  • My birthday is November 5

  A note from indianaguy:  
"Moved from S. Indiana (lived there 10 years-hence my user name IndianaGuy) to Central PA (Harrisburg). Had an extensive garden in Indiana which I built over the years. After retirement in 2009 was able to really "have fun" in the garden with raised beds; automatic watering systems; etc. Not sure if I'll go to that extent again but have decided to concentrate more on containers which I believe will open up the types of plants I can have in PA since I can move the containers indoors if needed. Wish me luck on my new adventure."

  Photo from indianaguy  

Picture of indianaguy

indianaguy signed up on May 20, 2009