Photo by Melody

dterrydraw's Member Page


  dterrydraw wants you to know:  

  A note from dterrydraw:  
"I'm a big (or at least an avid) gardener. For better or worse, I spend most of my days around this old house in a sort of perpetual yin-yang, kharma-cycle of replanting what the terriers have dug up or digging up and disposing of whatever they've buried (generally, that's not plants).

I work (and, for that matter, garden) at a widely published illustrator. Not to be snotty-----the unappealing alternative is an unpublished, starving illustrator.

I think that's enough information for now. Physical stats and "professional" CV are available on other, less respectable sites......

---david terry
2507 W. Knox St
Durham, NC 27705"

  Photo from dterrydraw  
"let's's me on my front porch with my worst-behaved terrier. The giddy folks in the background are my mother and a visiting frenchman."

Picture of dterrydraw

dterrydraw signed up on Sep 24, 2005