Photo by Melody

dpratt1957's Member Page


  dpratt1957 wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 02:01 AM
  • I'm in zone 4b
  • I live in Windham, ME (Zone 4b)
  • My birthday is September 18

  A note from dpratt1957:  
"Hi, Thanx for dropping by. I've always done a little planting here and there, but in October 2004 I fell off a roof and became permanently paralyzed and unable to work for right now. So, I became totally absorbed in some of my old hobbies, gardening being one of those. I had someone finish the landscaping on my home for me and I now had a 300sq.ft. Bed, a 600sq.ft. naturalized area, a 100' x 4' long walkway and a 400sq.ft. natural aquatic area and am having a 1/4 acre grove area being thinned out. My twin 15 yr old daughters helped me plant all the areas, except the grove with more than a thousand plants and bulbs. I can't wait for Spring. I've met a lot of nice people that have helped me become more knowledgeable on how to go about having a successful garden instead of just throwing them in willy/nilly. More than one of them highly recommended this site. Am looking forward to making other new friends.
Thanx, Dave"

dpratt1957 signed up on Nov 9, 2005