Photo by Melody

catincanada's Member Page


  catincanada wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 09:48 AM
  • I'm in zone 5b
  • I live in Richmond Hill, ON (Zone 5b)
  • My birthday is January

  A note from catincanada:  
"Always Remember that with plant hardiness...

Micro climates make a difference, even if you are classified a certain Macro climate zone(such as zone 5 or 6 etc.)

Take note of what you experience where you are, then experiment to see what grows where you are and you might be pleasantly surprised at what you can grow if you do, because hardiness maps are macro maps and are guidelines of what to expect but they are not set in stone.

Micro climates can mean a plant rated to you zone cant survive your yard, or a plant rated as unlikely to survive your zone might very well thrive in your yard.

Micro climate is what you personally note and experience, macro climate is what the majority of people in a similar longitude and latitude or area of the province or state tend to experience

Macro climate is like how everyone in your area experiences frozen water on lakes and ponds in winter, micro climate is like say the roof overhang keeps that area of ground so dry only cactuses thrive or the drainpipe makes it so wet only swamp plants grow there, its something that only really applies you in that specific spot or area, something you experience as opposed to what everyone around you can expect to experience."

catincanada signed up on Aug 9, 2008