Photo by Melody

bartjestuin's Member Page


  bartjestuin wants you to know:  

  A note from bartjestuin:  
"ia m so pleased that this site is there
i have trade with so many people over the hall world that i have so more new seeds for mine garden for the next year
in the netherlands we have one site for trade and that is northing the people there are sending not always seeds or weed instad of seeds
so ill hope there are many more people who want to trade with me
i have a big garden and ill sow all mine seeds self in mine two greenhouses. and in mine garden
i keep al the plants to mij self
i cant trade plants with people because it to long on the way
with the mail and that survived the plant not
so any one who want to trade send a message "

bartjestuin signed up on Nov 6, 2007