Photo by Melody

azadams's Member Page


  azadams wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 11:40 AM
  • I'm in zone 9a
  • I live in Phoenix, AZ (Zone 9a)
  • My birthday is July 6

  A note from azadams:  
"I am avidly producing garden herbs, vegetables and flowers in Phoenix, Arizona area. I have had several varieties of tomatoes with great success. I love to experiment with different types of plants, soils and amendments. I have had great success with Kellogg's Amend, Scott's fertilizers and Triple Super Phosphate. By far, the tomatoes are what my family beg me for. One year, my eggplants produced so much that I had to pull them out to stop the production! My husband has begun to share my fever for growing and loves the garden too."

azadams signed up on Jun 22, 2003