Photo by Melody

arrianna's Member Page


  arrianna wants you to know:  
  • My favorite website is: Dave's Garden
  • My second favorite website is: Bob's Rock Shop
  • The current local time for me is 01:04 AM
  • I'm in zone 6a
  • I live in Carbondale, IL (Zone 6a)

  A note from arrianna:  
"Welcome to my minimalistic homepage on DG's. No zany pictures, no flashing graphics, no solemn proclamation of my gardening prowess. I collect rocks, cut rocks, make said rocks into jewelry. That used to be my hobby...when your hobby becomes your career, you need a new hobby! So, gardening looked rewarding, oh so very rewarding! I feel like I'm growing glowing citrines, dazzling garnets, sumptuous sapphires and other wonderful metaphores. I also like comic books (jhonan vasquez especially SQUEE!), Japanese animation, and dressing up on, um,..THERE!"

  Photo from arrianna  
"This is a sampling of some the copper garden tags I hand forge..."

Picture of arrianna

arrianna signed up on Aug 29, 2001