Photo by Melody

adamajp1521's Member Page


  adamajp1521 wants you to know:  

  A note from adamajp1521:  
"I am a junior at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland (Right outside of Washington, DC). I am majoring in Natural Resource Sciences with a concentration in Plant Sciences. I am also planning on either getting a Master's in Landscape Architecture or some other plant science-related field. I am also an avid gardener and photographer and always have been. If you are interested in viewing my photography of gardens/flowers or my travels, feel free to e-mail me at or send me a message on AOL instant messenger at "adamajp1521". I love meeting new people, especially other plant "dorks". "

  Photo from adamajp1521  
"central park, manhattan"

Picture of adamajp1521

adamajp1521 signed up on Jul 22, 2005