Photo by Melody

Yardmender's Member Page


  Yardmender wants you to know:  
  • My favorite website is: Dave's Garden
  • My second favorite website is: That Home Site! Forums
  • The current local time for me is 05:47 PM
  • I'm in zone 9a
  • I live in Galt, CA (Zone 9a)
  • My birthday is November 26

  A note from Yardmender:  
" Hi,
I'm 53 years old, and I'm a widow. I have two grown kids, my daughter is 32yrs, married and has given me two grandkids,that I usually see every weekend,and we play video games. I love that! They laugh at me, and call me the video queen! My son is 29 yrs., not married, but has a girlfriend and they live with me. I have a yard care and landscaping business that my husband and I started about 8 yrs. ago. I'm continuing it on my own, but have helpers once in awhile. My good friend PudgyMudpies helps me every Wed. and we have some good laughs!! I'm also a beautician on Thurs. and Fri. Nothing like perm solution to clean my dirty fingers!!! I love plants and landscaping, and I'm always looking for something new to grow. I just wish I had more time to work in my OWN yard!! I have an acre and a half and it's more than I can keep up with. The weeds are a lot faster than I am! Well, that's enough about me, I'm looking forward to chatting with you, and maybe getting to know some new friends in my area to trade with, or talk plants with."

  Photo from Yardmender  
"That is me on the left & my friend Donna (PudgyMudpies) on the right. "

Picture of Yardmender

Yardmender signed up on Sep 3, 2003