Photo by Melody

Spotbiltxo's Member Page


  Spotbiltxo wants you to know:  
  • My favorite website is: White Oak Nursery
  • My second favorite website is: Plant Delights
  • My third favorite website is: Naylor Creek Hostas
  • The current local time for me is 07:10 PM
  • I'm in zone 8b
  • I live in San Antonio, TX (Zone 8b)
  • My birthday is October 31

  A note from Spotbiltxo:  
"Hi. I'm a gardener of some 10 years having picked up the bug while in Vancouver, BC officiating a CFL football game. Yes, I'm a football official too. I was trying to find something fun to do while there in that beautiful city and ran accross an ad for Buchart Gardens. I signed up and spent an incredible day there. I saw flowers I never knew exisited and knew when I got back to Shreveport, LA I wanted all of what I saw in my little backyard. Well, I learned quickly that not everything in Canada grows in Louisiana!! Over the years I figured out what would do well and focused on those, all the while trying out new plants, etc. to test their limits. The job moved me to Charlotte, NC where I learned to garden in clay!! Yuck! Three years later the job has moved me south to San Antonio, TX where the summers are hotter than hell. I'm learning all over again. After football officiating, gardening has been the most wonderful hobby I've ever found and fills my weekends with so much joy. I can't imagine life without plants, flowers and the chores that come with growing a successful garden. Wish me luck in Texas!!"

Spotbiltxo signed up on Dec 29, 2006