Photo by Melody

Monocromatico's Member Page


  Monocromatico wants you to know:  

  A note from Monocromatico:  
"I am currently writing my thesis for my Masters about taxonomy of Theaceae, the Camellia family. I am interested on anything (bibliographic refferences, informal informations, websites, pictures) about Theaceae, so if you ever come across these, think of me :^)

I am from Brazil and work with taxonomy in general, identifying plants and such.

They say that botanists are usually bad gardeners. I don´t know if this is true, because I enherited some gardening talents from my Grandpa, and since he passed in 2003 I´m carrying it on with me with even more responsability. I used to live in an apartment but just recently moved to a newly built house. There's no garden there, but there's plenty of space, so I'm working on it.

Anyway, anything I can help I´m at your services :^)"

Monocromatico signed up on Apr 24, 2003