Photo by Melody
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LC2sgarden's Member Page


  LC2sgarden wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 01:15 AM
  • I'm in zone 7a
  • I live in Bolivar, TN (Zone 7a)

  A note from LC2sgarden:  
"I am married. My husband is a retired Navy officer. We have 4 children between us, 3 boys and 1 girl. Seven grandchildren. My birthday is March 15. We live in the middle of 32 wooded acres in western TN. I have a lot of flower beds. Some are planted with prennials others with annuals in season. I usually have a small vegetable garden in the summer. I also have a greenhouse which I use primarily for overwintering different species of plants. It is one of life's little pleasures to walk into the GH in the winter and find different plants blooming. I have been interested in gardening since I was about 4 yrs. old.

LC2sgarden signed up on Mar 1, 2006