Photo by Melody

Justaysam's Member Page


  Justaysam wants you to know:  
  • The current local time for me is 06:25 PM
  • I'm in zone 5a
  • I live in Highland Park, IL (Zone 5a)
  • My birthday is July 12

  A note from Justaysam:  
"Im a 3yr, first time homeowner, so I'd say I am a new 3yr old gardener, LOL. I'd gardened a little in rentals I'd lived in, but it's not yours, so it's not as intense as owning your own land. Im a mom of 3, 13yr old boy, 6yr old girl, and 5yr old gir, all of which are now in "real" school. I've been lurking here at Dave's site for about 8 months, and thought it time to join up. I just started a small home biz, and now the garden has gone from a passion, to a past time, unfortunately. I think it will always be at the top of my life, as the dirt, and growing stuff is what holds my thoughts and heart. I consider myself to be a shade gardener, because we live in what used to be a forest. We are in a glacial area, with ravines, and 100yr old mature trees. The soil is very much clay, full of roots and Im sure quite a bit more sandy as you get closer to Lake Michigan. Im on the northern shore, about a mile from the lake. Currently the plants Im growing in my shady yard are Hostas, Heuchera, Ferns, Tiarella, Asarum, Japanese Maple, Clematis, Hydrengea, Azaleas, Trillium, Lilies, dwarf Conifers, Orn. Grasses, a few roses, and a large aray of other perennials as experiments. I've been on the web for about 4 yrs, and go to alot of other sites, some may know me from other places. I think Dave has a great site here, and I enjoy it alot. I also am very interested in digital photos, and will hopefully be posting lots of pics. "

Justaysam signed up on Sep 7, 2001