Photo by Melody
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Jul's Member Page


  Jul wants you to know:  

  A note from Jul:  
I have been a potter as long as I have been a gardener. I love to grow everything. I recently moved from the coast in So Cal over to Lake Elsinore. Our climate is very hot(90's to 108) in the summer and quite cool in the winter(down to 30's). We live on the side of a hill with limited winter sun/full summer sun and we get very windy. My new garden is as organic as it can be after 2 years. The yard was neglected as well as the citrus trees. I did well on the vegies last year, but I am still learning my micro climate. I am amazed what I can grow in such heat with soaker hoses. One day I will learn how to grow watermellons and pumpkins. Only got Cinderella pumpkins and some strange mellon that was firm and very sweet but not a cantelope, kind of honeydew/cantelope. A lady gave me the seeds and she moved away. Still looking for that mellon! P.S. I love supersteak tomatoes too."

Jul signed up on Feb 17, 2003