Chasmanthium, River Mist Northern Sea Oats, Variegated Northern Sea Oats
Chasmanthiumlatifolium 'River Mist'

Family: Poaceae (poh-AY-see-ee)
Genus: Chasmanthium (chas-MAN-thee-um)
Species: latifolium (lat-ee-FOH-lee-um)
Cultivar: River Mist

Ornamental Grasses and Bamboo

Water Requirements
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater

Sun Exposure
Sun to Partial Shade
Light Shade
Partial to Full Shade

Grown for foliage
Good Fall Color
Provides Winter Interest

Foliage Color

24-36 in. (60-90 cm)

15-18 in. (38-45 cm)
18-24 in. (45-60 cm)

USDA Zone 4a: to -34.4 °C (-30 °F)
USDA Zone 4b: to -31.6 °C (-25 °F)
USDA Zone 5a: to -28.8 °C (-20 °F)
USDA Zone 5b: to -26.1 °C (-15 °F)
USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)
USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)

Where to Grow
Can be grown as an annual

All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested

Bloom Color
Chartreuse (yellow-green)
White/Near White

Bloom Characteristics
Flowers are good for cutting
Flowers are good for drying and preserving

Bloom Size

Bloom Time
Mid Summer
Late Summer/Early Fall

Other details
May be a noxious weed or invasive

Soil pH requirements
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)

Patent Information

Propagation Methods
By dividing the rootball
Self-sows freely; deadhead if you do not want volunteer seedlings next season

Seed Collecting
Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds
Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored