Yellow Morning Glory

Family: Convolvulaceae (kon-volv-yoo-LAY-see-ee)
Genus: Merremia (me-REE-mee-uh)
Species: aurea (AW-re-uh)

Tropicals and Tender Perennials
Vines and Climbers

Water Requirements
Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping
Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater

Sun Exposure
Full Sun
Sun to Partial Shade

Grown for foliage

Foliage Color

12-18 in. (30-45 cm)
18-24 in. (45-60 cm)

3-6 in. (7-15 cm)
6-9 in. (15-22 cm)
9-12 in. (22-30 cm)

USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
USDA Zone 11: above 4.5 °C (40 °F)

Where to Grow
Can be grown as an annual
Suitable for growing in containers

Seed is poisonous if ingested
Parts of plant are poisonous if ingested

Bloom Color
Bright Yellow

Bloom Characteristics
This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds

Bloom Size

Bloom Time
Mid Spring
Late Spring/Early Summer
Mid Summer
Late Summer/Early Fall
Mid Fall
Late Fall/Early Winter

Other details

Soil pH requirements
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline)

Patent Information

Propagation Methods
By dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets)
From herbaceous stem cuttings
From softwood cuttings
From seed; direct sow outdoors in fall
From seed; winter sow in vented containers, coldframe or unheated greenhouse
From seed; sow indoors before last frost
From seed; direct sow after last frost
From seed; germinate in a damp paper towel
From seed; germinate in vitro in gelatin, agar or other medium
Scarify seed before sowing
By simple layering

Seed Collecting
Collect seedhead/pod when flowers fade; allow to dry
Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds
Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored