Chiggers, Red Bugs



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Malvern, Arkansas

Archer, Florida

Bartow, Florida

Canton, Georgia

Hull, Georgia

Newnan, Georgia

Patriot, Indiana

Melbourne, Kentucky

Scottsville, Kentucky

Olive Branch, Mississippi

Fredericktown, Missouri

Marshfield, Missouri

Bayboro, North Carolina

Chapel Hill, North Carolina(2 reports)

Concord, North Carolina

Dayton, Ohio

Middleton, Tennessee

Abilene, Texas

Fairfield, Texas

Mansfield, Texas

Wylie, Texas

Coeburn, Virginia

Lovettsville, Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 4 neutral 2 negative
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Lovettsville, VA | November 2017 | Neutral
Chiggers are very nasty, and in their adult stage they can also infest your pets' ears and other areas that are not covered in thick fur. I found that instead of using chemicals, petroleum jelly works great, with a Q-tip. Dip the clean Q-tip into the jelly, swirl it around, and then with one slow swipe, wipe the infested skin with it - it takes them right off, and they become encapsulated into the jelly and die. Then spread a little more jelly onto the skin, and they have no interest in biting that area. For people, there is a great natural product that I spray on my clothes and skin, and I've never had a tick or chigger bite while wearing it. Its called Ticks N All insect repellent. Uses coconut oil with rosemary, castor oil, citronella, cedar oil, smells pretty good, too.


Coeburn, VA | May 2011 | Neutral
I believe this is the bug I have been trying to identify. It is so tiny, but a bit larger than I remember chiggers. They are on my white vinyl fencing on my porch. I believe they are living inside the fence components which are hollow. l Have terrible allergies and this morning I have coughed up something with a tiny red dot which looks like this buy.


Concord, NC (Zone 7a) | December 2010 | Negative
Chiggers, or red mites, are the nastyist thing here in NC to get bit by after fire ants, because they will itch for weeks and weeks and if bitten by many, can last for 6 month or longer and scar you up worse than chicken pocks from the itching. They start to come out in May when its warm enough for them not to freeze or have to hide from the frost and they last until October. They are extremely small in size and hardly even visable to the naked eyes as ticks are, and they do not stay attached like ticks after they bite you, it is there spit or saliva they inject you with, that creates this allegic reaction that lasts for weeks, and the reaction often does not occur and make you break out for up to 48 hours after you are bitten while hiking, through the tall grass or woods. The best way to ... read more


Dayton, OH | July 2010 | Neutral
Chiggers love me. The bites itch like nothing I have been bite by before.

Calamine lotion is one of the only topical over-the-counter remedies that have helped me.


Bartow, FL (Zone 9a) | December 2007 | Negative
Don't sit in the grass anywhere in Florida or you will itch for a week or more. You can lay a sheet of white paper in the grass and put a book on it. After an hour, look at all the red bugs on the underside.


Kissimmee, FL (Zone 9b) | June 2007 | Neutral
I have been advised that they live in the Spanish Moss that hangs on the trees in Florida
Leaf beetle
(Cryptocephalus rufipes)
American Robin
(Turdus migratorius)
Leaf beetle
(Cryptocephalus rufipes)
American Robin
(Turdus migratorius)