Photo by Melody

Garden and Flower Glossary, Plant and Insect Encyclopedia, Gardening Terms

Just like the appendix in the back of a book, our final tab is a place to find additional information and definitions. But unlike a book, these references change and grow daily, and you can help them grow by sharing what you know.

To help us stay organized, we've divided our Glossary into three sections, as follows.


A blended word, derived from the phrase "botanical dictionary", Botanary is where you'll find a comprehensive repository of 20,977 botanical names, so you can look up any plant's name, discover its meaning and find a guide to pronouncing it.


Have you ever wondered about a particular gardening term or concept you read or heard somewhere? From abaxial to zen gardens, you'll find 3,507 terms Garden Terms and 4,662 definitions, compiled by gardeners and farmers from around the world.