Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items wanted by jenwhiddon

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Tropical Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

I would LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! someone to trade me a small plant or several good cuttings of a Mrs. Jimmy Spangler. I had one and my mother in law somehow ended up with it (instead of one of the other hibiscus I had told her she could have) an every time she comes over, she tells me all about how beautifully it is blooming - and never 'remembers' to bring me a cutting from it. Thank you so much to anyone who takes pity on me! I have a large variety and will be posting what I have but feel free to ask for requests - between myself, my mom, and my grandmother (who both live within 5 miles of me) we have extensive availability, mostly of flowering ornamentals.
'Mrs Jimmy Spangler' Plants, Cuttings


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