Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items wanted by beebonnet

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Hungarian Apple Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Almapaprika' Seeds
Bell Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Belladonna' Seeds
Sweet Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Hungarian Paprika' Seeds
Sweet Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Jimmy Nardello' Seeds
Bell Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Miniature Yellow Bell' Seeds
Sweet Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Romanian Sweet' Seeds
Sweet Pepper
Capsicum annuum
'Super Sweet Banana' Seeds
Ornamental Pepper
Capsicum baccatum
'Pumpkin' Seeds
Cucumis sativus
'Silver Green' Seeds
Penstemon strictus
'Bandera' Plants
African Violet
'Cloud Puff' Plants, Cuttings
Zinnia elegans

Butterflies and other pollinators love this zinnia.
'Zowie Yellow Flame' Seeds Image


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