Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items wanted by Nigelkosovo

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

capparis himalayensis
Also sometimes stated as capparis spinosa but the ones from The Chinese provinces of Qinghai or Xianjiang.
Seeds, Plants
Celosia Species
Celosia argentea

I’m looking for a zone 6 hardy variety or one from the Chinese provinces of Gansu, Shanx, or Hebei.
Seeds, Plants

Choerospondias axillaris
I’m looking for one from the northern Chinese provinces such as Gansu, Shanx, or Hebei or a zone 6 hardy one.
Seeds, Plants

Cinnamomum septentrionale
Seeds, Plants
Citrus Species
Citrus cavaleriei
Seeds, Plants
Citrus Species
Citrus Ichangensis
Seeds, Plants, Cuttings
elaeagnus macrophylla
Seeds, Plants
machilus ichangensis
Seeds, Plants
Ivyleaf Groundcherry
Physalis hederifolia
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Piper wallichii
Seeds, Plants
Pomaria Species
Pomaria jamesii
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Orange Climber
toddalia asiatica

I’m looking for northern Chinese provincial origin of this such as from Gansu, Shanx, or Hebei. Hardiness varies greatly but I’m looking for hardiness.
Seeds, Plants
Japanese Torreya
Torreya nucifera
Seeds, Plants, Cuttings


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