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Trading Lists: Items wanted by LAS14

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Any pure pink lily
I'm looking for a solid colored pink lily. No blue or yellow in it - like dianthus inchmery or Bonica or New Dawn rose.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
aquilegia canadensis

I only have 4 things listed to trade, but I have lots of lilies, but no time to update list yet. Also day lilies.... A bunch of stuff. If you have Corbett to trade, let me know, and I'll speed up making my list.
'Corbett' Seeds, Plants
Clematis flammula
'inchmery' Seeds
Dianthus x allwoodii
'Desmond' Seeds
Oriental-Trumpet Lily
'Early Yellow' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
'The Vamp' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

lilium asiatic
Four or five years ago I bought a lily at Walmart labeled simply "lilium asiatic." I don't see the color on the label I still have, so it must have been blooming when I bought it. It's a modest lily, short and plain yellow, but it fits well in my garden.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

lilium asiatic
Four or five years ago I bought a lily at Walmart labeled simply "lilium asiatic." I don't see the color on the label I still have, so it must have been blooming when I bought it. It's a modest lily, short and plain pink, but it fits well in my garden.
'pink' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs


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