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Trading Lists: Items wanted by BoopsieTN

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Aquilegia x caerulea

I am looking for colors I do not have as I already have a spot for just Columbine in my 2 acre yard.
'Origami Blue & White' Seeds
Impatiens Species
Impatiens pallida

I want this because we have alot of poision oak and jewel weed is great to get rid of it, boil the leaves, rub the water on the area where you have poision oak, next thang you know its gone in a day or 2.
Ipomoea Species
Ipomoea hederifolia var. lutea
Ipomoea quamoclit

I am also looking for this vine in pink.
'White Cypress Vine' Seeds


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