Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from wagtail

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Hardy Water Lily

for trading
'Colorado' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Tropical Day-Blooming Water Lily

korm stored in aquarium, some foilage possible
'Colorata' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hardy Water Lily

many have leaves sprouting
'Ellisiana' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hardy Water Lily
'Laydekeri Alba' Plants
Hardy Water Lily

live plant stored in aquarium potted with roots and leaves
'St. Louis Gold' Plants
Tropical Day-Blooming Water Lily

large bulb with foilage overwintered in aquarium
'Stellata or Nymphaea nouchali' Cuttings
Hardy Water Lily
Nymphaea hybrid

most have foilage
'Masaniello' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Hardy Water Lily
Nymphaea hybrid

I have the true Pink Beauty (Luciana) - NOT Fabiola.
'Pink Beauty' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Nymphaea hybrid

Dwarf hardy waterlily
'pygmaea rubra (might be a species?)' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Changeable Hardy Water Lily
Nymphaea rustica
'Indiana' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Nymphaea x marliacea

with foilage
'Chromatella' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

Waterlilies and Pond Plants 2013
HARDIES (wintered tubers in peat moss in seal fish bag. Foilage and/or roots peaking through in nearly all of them)•Chromatella
•Laydekeri alba
•Pink Beauty (Luciana)
•Red Pygmy

TROPICALS•N. stellata (aquarium-stored with foliage)
•St. Louis Gold (aquarium-stored potted with foliage)
•Colorata (small korm with leaf growth)

HARDY POND PLANTS (overwintered moist in styro box, most now sprouting)•Dwarf Pickeral (blue) - does great in shade too (see photo)
•Typha Laxmanni (my fav. needle leaf and stays small. Incredible filter. see photo)
•Thalia Dealbata (Hardy Canna)
•Lizard Tail - white flower red stem variety (versatile: full shade to bright sun, various depths )
•Native Phragmites (gets 8 feet if you let it)
•Bloody Dock (great for shady tubs. Bright red foilage when Spring arrives)

WISH LIST: open to anything, but have my eye on Water Hawthorne, Marsh Marigold, Margaret Mary, Wanvisa, Chubby, Gloriosa, Clyde Itkins, Perry's Baby Red, Arc-En-Ciel, Emily Grant Hutchings.

I ship within the USA only.
Roots, Tubers and Bulbs


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