Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from thaihotgardens

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Agave angustifolia

Variegated agave. Have had 3 of them about 3 years now, around 4' wide, 3' high. I have many offspring available for trade, under 1 to 3 years old. Very Sharp DANGEROUS tips, don't plant these around running children and pets. Good fence / outside border, xeriscape, low maintenance plant. No watering required outside. I can't wait to see the flowers!
'marginata' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Aloe Hybrid

Common aloe. Grows to about 2' - 3' high, leaves are about 12"-18" long. Clustered shoots, very useful in my garden, planted under the chainlink fence to keep the grass from growing there and for easy access from garden if I get stung, burned or cut. Helps stop minor bleeding quickly, anti-infection, and cooling burn relief. I must have about 100 of these and multiplying. Nice red flower stalks. Easy to grow in containers, or ground without extra water. Good window plant, nice to have in the kitchen, near the garage or pool.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Brugmansia Species
Brugmansia aurea

Yellow angel trumpets. Beautiful huge (6"-10" long x 5" wide), highly fragrant blooms many times a year. Great hummingbird and bee plant. Very easily cloned. I have about thirty 1 year old cuttings available for trade (5 gal / 1' - 2' high), or I can send cuttings. Planted under eave outside my laundry window / beside the front porch I've never had to water it for five years, now about 15' high by 10' wide. Sometimes it'll have 100 or so great big blooms to sweeten the night air.

HIGHLY TOXIC !!! Do not put this plant where underinformed kids / teens have easy access to it, experimental ingestion can be FATAL.
Plants, Cuttings

Brugmansia candida
White Angel Trumpets. Huge flowers 10"-12" long x 8" wide. Have one about 10' high planted right next to my 15' Yellow Angel Trumpet. They don't always bloom at the same time, but it's pretty stunning when both bloom together. Beatiful smell from night-blooming flowers that attract hummingbirds. Very easy to clone, I have about 30 -1 year clones of yellows and 30 of 1 year whites available for trade, or can send new cuttings, almost guaranteed to take.

HIGHLY TOXIC !!! Do not plant where kids / teens might get to it, taking this flower in any way can be FATAL.
Plants, Cuttings
Hot Pepper
Capsicum annuum

Thai Hot Pepper. We use this Thai Hot Pepper every day. About 5 bushes keeps us supplied throughout the year (freezing some to carry us through winter when it's not still fruiting). Very Hot, with good flavor for beef salad, papaya salad, Edon style Hot Sauce, and many other seasoning needs. Perennial with up to 200 or so peppers at a time. Fruits throughout the summer and fall.
'Thai Hot (Regular)' Seeds, Plants, Cuttings
Cereus Species
Cereus repandus

Peruvian Apple Cactus. Tall cactus, I got one 5' specimen about 5 years ago, it's multiplied (cuttings) into ten 3' - 6' cacti I put along the front fence. Huge white flowers followed by red fruits with sweet white meat (MANY black seeds). These Peruvian apple fruits do NOT have any spines or hairs to beware of. Flowers multiple times in rainy season, my largest puts out 10-20 blooms at a time. Have about 50 babies I uncovered at the base this spring available for trade, ranging between 1/2" - 3". Also larger ones available on request, 3' - 4' high. Cuttings available.
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings
Datura Hybrid
Datura metel

Double purple datura. 4" fully double flowers in purple. Grows about 3' to 4' high, dies in winter here but reseeds easily, many very full seedpods burst open to self-replenish these beatufiul flowers.

TOXIC !!! Don't plant where young children / teens have unsupervised access to it, legends about this plantt have ended in death for curious daredevils.
'Double Purple' Seeds
Moringa Species
Moringa oleifera

Thai - Ma'room. Drumstick tree. Horseradish tree. Our tree is about 15' - 20' high, many edible parts! Thai eat the flowers, goes great in soups, or quickly blanched for sweet eating as a vegetable. The pods grow to about 2' long, but can be picked green and eaten as a vegetable (if you didn't eat all the flowers!) I have a couple of fair-sized clones available for trade or seeds, working on getting some new seedlings going.
Seeds Image


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