Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from temafilly

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Hi All,

I've added brief cultivar specifics that should answer basic questions about each DAYLILY.Other plant entries have specifics in the 'notes' sections.

DOR - dormant - will die back to ground in any zone, tends not to do well in deep southern zones - needs a rest period.

SEV - semi-evergreen - green thru winter in Z 7+, can go dormant in colder areas. Will in Z 4.

EV - evergreen - 2011 update: does NOT totally die down in Z 4. The successful zone-pushing assured me they do well enough in Wisconsin. I did NOT cut them back, but did have extra protection in the form of 6" leaf mulch and a good covering of snow.
All cultivars pushed new leaves with little effort and are just as lush as the DORs and SEVs. Please note that my regular mulch is the Large Pine Bark Chunks laid 3" thick, and these Daylilies were planted in Spring, so had the benefit of the entire 2010 Summer to establish themselves.
More EV`s are on their way for 2012, and anything that does not do well here will be mentioned on it`s entry. Otherwise it may be assumed I`ve had no problems with it.

DESCRIPTION SEQUENCE: height, habit, ploidy, bloom size, extras (see below)
M F = # of mature (flowering) fans available
starts = # of starts (too young to bloom yet) available. These will always be well-rooted divisions, at least 1/2" thick, and I can send pictures of the very plant you shall receive.

DIP - diploid .........TET - tetraploid
RE - reblooms......EXT - 16+hr blm time
V - very ............... FRG - fragrant

(Sp R:) indicates that the cultivar is a SPIDER form; 'R' stands for 'ratio'. To qualify as a Spider, the petal length must be at least one quarter the full width at it`s widest point, giving a 4:1 ratio.
i.e. : 4" long to 1" wide, 6" long to 1.5" wide

(UFo) indicates an 'UNUSUAL FORM'; one that cannot be classified in the accepted 'common' shapes. For more info, see the AHS website - I don't have the space to do it justice here. In short; if it's funky, it's an UFo.

(Tetra) this is an artificially created conversion of a Diploid to a Tetraploid, doubling the number of chromosomes within by means of a chemical, usually for the purpose of breeding. Since I was recently gifted with one of these, I thought I`d better put this in here.
Below is a direct quote from Tinker`s, and is found on the Hybridizing the Daylily page:

""Today there is a chemical process which one can actually convert Diploids into Tetraploids. Any former Diploids Cultivar names listed in our Daylily Database is preceded by the word “Tetra” i.e. “Tetra Becky Lynn” etc. Any siblings produced by these converted Cultivars will be Tetraploids."" 'siblings', it means divisions as well as seedlings bred from that particular plant. The original BECKY LYNN is a Diploid that had ONE division converted, and then that ONE was multiplied as a Tetraploid, making two versions of the same cultivar.

DAYLILY info is gotten from sites such as the American Hemerocallis Society's official Database or Tinker's Garden Daylily Database, as well as my own observations. If you check these sites and I have info that doesn't match, it is because I record what I see in my garden so as to fill in blanks from these sites, such as branch/bud count. Please ask and I'll be happy to explain why an entry says what it does.

**Please know that as of 2-15-2012, Tinker`s has their new address! It is HERE:

ALL my entries flourish in Wisconsin's Zone 4 (-30*). I know what the zone map says, but I live here, and it gets there. Most plants are under 3" of pine bark chunk mulch. The rest are under 4-6" of leaves and grass clippings over winter. If you live in a Southern zone (8+), please check PlantFiles or other sources for info on a plant's preferred zones and/ or required cold or rest period. This is their time to develop buds for the bloom season, and can be an absolute necessity for their life cycle. Please ask questions; knowing why it won't grow there is better than a dead plant in your garden.

Pics attached are as accurate as possible to the actual blossom color in my flowers, and I'll gradually replace them with my own. Gives me something to do after the snows fall!

SPRING ADDITIONS to available plant counts will be made by May 15th. By then, plants will have made a decent appearance for an accurate count. The numbers displayed until then are what was had at the time of Winter shut down and are conservative. If there is no number, there are no plants of that size available; I update as trade requests are received. When there are NO plants available, I disable the entry completely until such time that new trades are ready.

Plants mail in Flat Rate type Boxes. Daylilies will be clean and wrapped in a damp newspaper. Finer-rooted items will be packed with damp soil in a tied baggie.

SPRING shipping for everything begins when the ground thaws - about mid-April and goes until mid-May-ish. After that leaves are too big to pack. I DO NOT CUT FOLIAGE UNLESS a specific request is made and with the understanding that to remove leaves from a plant during the active growing time will be detrimental to it's blooming/ growing capacity because of material that needs to be replaced, and the interruption of water/ nutrients from the roots.
Daylillies and Hosta are hardy to a fault, but the plant may decide to direct it`s energy towards re-establishing itself rather than blooming if transplanted too late in the season, or it will use too much of it`s stored energy trying to bloom/ set seed while simultaneously growing new leaves and feeder roots, consequently performing poorly the following year because it`s stores are not at peak capacity for the massive effort the Spring push requires. New plants received here that are thinner than a thumb have their scapes clipped the first year as a rule, regardless of when they were planted, so as to avoid overextending a young plant. Winters here are enough of trial.

I will be more than happy to earmark plants for Fall shipment; all that takes is a tag in the ground with a name on it. I will send a note when the time arrives asking about continued interest, and if other arrangements have NOT been made, or if a response is NOT gotten, I will NOT send the plants. Earmarked plants also have scapes removed during the growing season so that vital energy levels are at their best when the plant gets to you in Fall.

FALL CORRECTIONS to available plant counts will be made by December 30th. The numbers displayed are what was had at the time of Winter shut down and are conservative. If there is no number, there are no plants of that size available; I update as trade requests are received. When there are NO plants available, I disable the entry completely until such time that new trades are ready.

FALL Shipping - is the month of October. I could ship thru mid-November, but please realize that it generally takes 4-6 weeks for a plant's root system to take a good hold and it is recommended that a mulch of some kind be used for the plant`s first Winter to prevent heaving if a late transfer is necessary. The possible exception being if you live below Z 7. My non-Pine Bark mulched beds are tucked in for the Winter with a 4"-6" blanket of leaves, most of which then get scratched into the soil in Spring - free compost!

.........WINTER IS HERE...and my hands are STILL dirty up to the elbows...YAY!!!

Darn it--where`s my watering can - don`t want drooping Geraniums!
Plants Image

The amount of seed per any packet offered is all I expect in return unless other arrangements are made.
The amount of packets will change as confirmed trades are made and once gone, the item will be removed until more seed is available.

SHIPPING: All seed is chilled (if necessary) following collection, will be ready to plant by mid-April.
Seeds ship year-round but availability is subject to change as they may be germinated for plant sales/trades. These will be listed as 'starts' next spring as they appear.

SQUASH: Some of my varieties I purchased as mature fruits and saved the seed. Origin is always listed, and I will state it as 'open-pollinated' if it is not originally bought as straight seed or if there is questionable parentage.

F-1 (1st gen. hybrid) seed will generally produce a plant with the 'mother's' characteristics, but may not taste like what it LOOKS like, and I'm a stickler for honesty in this area. If I grow the seed out, the results will be listed, and if YOU try the seed, feedback on your plants would be greatly appreciated.


What you see advertised is what you expect to get; especially for the table. If you decide to grow my seed and get something funky do let me know - funky things may taste great! New varieties are made just as such.

I am growing out much of my collection (thank you to my husband who allowed a 542` expansion to the Garden!--proof of love and tolerance!) in 2013, so I will be adding self-pollinated varieties by that October. These will be listed as:
'S-P/ Strgt Sd' (self-pollinated from straight seed)
'S-P/ F1...........(self-pollinated from ?-able parents)

I am interested in any type of Winter and Summer squash seed both straight and saved, just please be honest in it's origin and history as far as you know.

Squash seed is viable for many years if PROPERLY stored. I have grown perfectly healthy and vigorous plants from 5+ year old seed.
All of my very thoroughly air-dried seed (trying my husband`s patience as the kitchen island very well disappears under marked paper towels for weeks every Fall ! ) is kept in small plastic baglets, labeled with variety, year collected, and origin. These are placed in a muti-drawered plastic nut-and-bolt organizer and kept in the cooler parts of the house.
Seeds Image


I am accepting requests to start currently available seed until May 15th 2014, or reservations of a number of seedlings of a specific plant for Spring 2015 shipping of young starts.
Seeds started will be indicated on the plant's entry like this...{seeds started} ...and availability determined by the usual factors of weather, birds, chipmunks and all the rest. Please know that I will do my best to fill your request, but cannot guarantee the number of plants.
Requests will be given priority, be filled in the order received and extras will be posted afterwards.


****** 2012 Update! ******

I am adding Un-named Daylily Plants this year; the seedling bed is maturing, and it`s time to start the elimination process! They can be found at the end of the Hem listings under the heading `Unnamed Prospect` or `Unnamed Seedling`. The new plants will be posted over the Winter after the Shut Down chores are done and I have time to make accurate entries i.e., when the snow flies. There will be many of them, and I should be finished by February. Look for these entries at the end of the named Hem cultivars, with a Tema or Kavyk pic separating all the wonderful flower photos, and denoting the introduction entry for the different types of seedlings.

SEEDLINGS were bought as seeds and grown right here. They will be identified by either a Garden Name or a seedling code, along with their parents (if known) listed. In Hems the Pod Parent (female) is always follwed by the Pollen Parent (male). EX: SILOAM DOUBLE CLASSIC x SCENTUAL SUNDANCE.

PROSPECTS were aquired as either unbloomed or immature plants. These were aquired by gift or purchase as live plants, but are not a Registered Cultivar and are usually of unknown parentage.

**Descriptions for both types of plants are what they`ve shown in my Garden over the past few years, and pics were taken in their maiden bloom year (2011-12).

IRIS are also here! Pics for these were taken May 2012, and I`m working on identification. If one is recognized, please send me a note and I will correct the entry and will offer a free rhizome of any Iris plant to you for helping!
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Alchemilla Species
Alchemilla mollis

Ht: 18", W: 24"
Flwr: Chartruse spray
# starts: 1
Aquilegia buergeriana

Ht: 12", W: 12"
Flwr: Purple sheath w/ yellow bell
# starts:
# pkt 25 sd:
*I have many colors of this species in a single area, so I will not guarantee you will get CALIMERO`s color. Please request a start when they are available if you wish this exact cultivar. Seeds sent will have CALIMERO as a pod parent, but will be open-pollinated.

The other solid colors available are pure white, pale orchid, and blue-violet. These are seedlings from an Unknown cultivar from my Mother`s yard, being passed down from her Mother. It is quite old, even Heirloom if I can find the actual name!
'Calimero' Seeds, Plants
Campanula Species
Campanula glomerata

Ht: 12", W: 48"
Flwr: White raceme
# starts: 12
This plant will spread by root indefinitely, thus the large measurement. I deadhead everything, so I can`t say how reliable it`s seeds are.
Commelina Species
Commelina coelestis

I will save seed by request only.
Convallaria Species
Convallaria majalis

Ht: 8" leaf and flower scapes
# starts: unlimited
Will become invasive. Plant with thought or restrictive measures.
Does not do well in deep south.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Cucurbita maxima

Bought in `10 at farm, open-pollinated
# pkt of 10 sd: 15
10'+ vines.
100 days
'Blue Hubbard' Seeds
Cucurbita maxima

`12 Burpee Co. seed
# pkt of 5 sd: 1
8` semi-bush
100 days
'Boston Marrow' Seeds
Buttercup Squash
Cucurbita maxima

`08 Alexander`s Seed Co. seed
# pkt of 10 sd: ~pending~
6` - 8` semi-bush
100 days
*will be grown in `13 for fresh seed from a self-pollinated fruit.
'Burgess Buttercup' Seeds
Cucurbita maxima

Found fruit on roadside in `11 - open pollinated
# pkt of 3 sd: 1
30` + vine
130 days
*Assuming this is a Dill`s as the seed is readily available in the local garden centers. Found 3' diameter fruit in a ditch near a children`s day care center...possible project?
Will be growing one in `13
'Dill's Atlantic Giant' Seeds
Cucurbita maxima

`11 Livingston Seed Co. seed
# pkt of 5 sd: 1
10` vine
100 days
'Galeux d'Eysines' Seeds
Kabocha Squash
Cucurbita maxima

Bought at `12 Farmer's Market, open-pollinated
# pkt of 5 sd: 2
6`- 8` semi-bush
110 days
'Gold Nuggett' Seeds
Butternut Squash
Cucurbita moschata

Bought at `09 Farmer's Market, open-pollinated
# pkt of 10 sd: 1
15`+ vine
95 days
'Waltham' Seeds
Cucurbita pepo

'12 Botanical Interests seed
# pkt of 5 sd: 2
6` - 8` semi-bush
45 days
'Baby Round' Seeds
Cucurbita pepo

'12 Ferry Morse seed
# pkt 10 sd: 4
6` - 8` semi-bush
45 days
'Delicata' Seeds
Cucurbita pepo

`12 Livingston Seed Co. seed
# pkt of 5 sd: 3
6` - 8` semi-bush
55 days
'Genovese' Seeds
Cucurbita pepo

`11 American Seed Co. seed
# pkt of 10 sd: 1
8` vine
105 days
'Jack O` Lantern' Seeds
Delicata Squash
Cucurbita pepo

Bought at `09 Farmer's Market, open pollinated
# pkt of 10 sd: 3
6` - 8` semi-bush
105 days
'Sweet Dumpling' Seeds
Cucurbita pepo

`11 Burpee seed
# pkt of 10 sd: 3
6` - 8` semi-bush
110 days
*Per my exerience, it`s recommend starting these in a controlled environment, planting 4" pots (1 pot for each plant wanted) with two seeds each and thinning to the strongest. Lack of seed jacket subjects seed to more germination problems with pests, temp fluctuations and soil dampness that don`t bother a cased seed during the pre-emergant period. The seed is fine, and will quicken if direct sown, I`m just tired of providing furry diggers with meals they don`t even have to unwrap.
'Triple Treat' Seeds Image
Wild Balsam-apple
Echinocystis lobata

Length: 10' - 20'
Flwr: white, fragrant
A.K.A. Wild Cucumber. Vining annual. Will re-seed. Inflated soft-spined and four lobed fruit shoot seed out upon maturity. Actually in the family cucurbitaceae (cucumber), but NOT edible.
*Photo is from Steve Hurst @ USDA NRCS PLANTS Database

# M F: 1
# starts:
'Apache War Dance' Plants Image

# M F: 3
# starts: 2
* because of the nature of this cultivar, a `mature fan` will actually consist of a 3-4 fan clump.
'Apricot Sparkles' Plants

34" DOR DIP 4.5" RE
# M F: 1
# starts:
*Am culling this cultivar - if the entry isn`t here, the plant is GONE!
'Ardent Pink' Plants Image

32" EV TET 5" RE FRG
# M F: 1
# starts:
'Better Lucky Than Good' Plants Image

# M F: 4
# starts: 3
'Black Eyed Stella' Plants Image

20" DOR DIP 4"
# M F:
# starts: 2
**Bloom set on Artemisia `Icicles`
'Blue Sheen' Plants

20" EV DIP 6" RE FRG
# M F: 1
# starts: 1
'Brent Gabriel' Plants Image

# M F: 1
# starts:
'Brer Rabbit's Baby' Plants Image

26" SEV DIP 6" RE
# M F: 4
# starts:
'Brocaded Gown' Plants Image

37" SEV DIP 7" EXT
# M F: 2
# starts: 2
*special trade only
'Carmen Renee' Plants Image

# M F:
# starts:
'Carolyn Hunt' Plants Image

23" SEV Dip 4" RE FRG
# M F:
# starts: 2
'Castle Cotton Candy' Plants

# M F:
# starts: 1
'Castle Double Debut' Plants Image

# M F:
# starts: 1
'Cherry Candy' Plants Image

28" DOR TET 6"
# M F: 1
# starts:
*Am culling this cultivar - if the entry isn`t here, the plant is GONE!
'Cherry Cheeks' Plants Image

32" DOR TET 7" EXT
# M F: 1
# starts:
*Am culling this cultivar - if the entry isn`t here, the plant is GONE!
'Corryton Pink' Plants Image

30" DOR DIP 4"
# M F: 3
# starts: 2
*Am culling this cultivar - if the entry isn`t here, the plant is GONE!
'Crusader' Plants

# M F: 1
# starts:
*Am culling this cultivar - if the entry isn`t here, the plant is GONE!
'Dancing With Pink' Plants Image

28" EV DIP 9" RE EXT
# M F: 2
# starts: 2
*Am culling this cultivar - if the entry isn`t here, the plant is GONE!
'De Colores' Plants

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