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Trading Lists: Items available from sheepwrecked

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Juglans cineria
Offering seeds from a large mature butternut tree growing on a public right-of-way that was vandalized by a person who girdled it with a chainsaw out of spite. Butternut trees are rare and dying off due to canker. They are listed endangered in all of Canada, and in Minnesota are so threatened you may no longer collect the nuts (the state hopes they will germinate and grow). This tree did not show any signs of canker, and may carry genes for resistance. If you have room to grow two of these and can help save the genetics of this tree, please contact me. (takes two to pollinate and get nuts) I will send two to four, your preference. SASE postage for $3.74 mailing cost; I will send sealed in a plastic bag and inside a bubble envelope. Can email info on how to germinate, and best growing conditions.
'Linda's Spite' Seeds


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