Photo by Melody
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Trading Lists: Items available from senjanevada

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

Aloe - trailling
Have plenty of Trailling Aloe, babies and mature.
Plants Image

Aloe Black Gem
Plenty pups to swap.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Baby Sunrose
Aptenia lancifolia

Just received several cuttings from my favorite nursery. They will propagate soon and will be ready in about couple weeks. Let me know if you want it to trade. I am looking for Aptenia Yellow and Aptenia White or other color if any, but not Red Apple (I have it a lot). Thanks.
Cuttings Image

Aptenia Cordifolia Red Apple
Aptenia Cordifolia Red Apple aka - Ice Plant - Baby Sunrose

Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings Image

I love cactus and love to share with other cacti lover. I don't have many but some of them are ready to trade.
Plants, Cuttings Image

Confederate Jasminum
Confederate Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides
Fragant Star Jasmine

Available for trade. Cuttings.
Cuttings Image

Delosperma cooperi Ice Plant - Trailling Violet
Plenty and blooming. Cuttings ready to swap.
Plants, Cuttings Image

Delosperma Nubigenum
Overgrown in my yard. Ask as many as you need. Survived in 110F to 20F, High Desert heat and snow.
Plants, Cuttings Image

Delosperma Sphalmantoides
Overgrown in my yard. Ask as many as you need. Survived in 110F to 20F, High Desert heat and snow.
Plants, Cuttings Image

aka red barrel cactus or fire barrel cactus
Plants Image

Ice Plant
Ice Plant Yellow Bush
Yellow flower. Blooming during winter cold.
Plants, Cuttings Image

Ice Plant
Ice Plant - not sure the botanical id.
Magenta flower. Blooming during winter cold.
Plants, Cuttings Image

Jade Plant Crassula Ovata
Small plant or cutting are ready for trading.
Plants, Cuttings

Marygold mixed Yellow and Orange
I have plenty of seeds harvested in 2012. Small yellow and orange bloom.
Seeds Image
Broadleaf Four-O'Clock

I will have tons of seed; the babies just sprout out on the ground, everywhere. Pink flower and white flower.
Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs Image

Opuntia Basilaris
High desert plant, aka Bavertail cactus.
Seeds, Cuttings Image

Opuntia Englemannii
Seeds, Cuttings Image

Opuntia Microdaisy
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs, Cuttings

Opuntia Santa Rita Purple Pad
Opuntia santa rita, purple pad, ready for trading.
Cuttings Image

Opuntia Subulata
Opuntia Subulata aka christmas tree cactus

Cuttings are available for trade.
Cuttings Image

Pelargonium - Red Geranium
I have red and white only.


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