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Trading Lists: Items available from rkwright85

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Jasminum Species
Jasminum polyanthum

Should have quite a few rooted cuttings early Spring
Ping Juniper
Juniperus pingii

Rooted cuttings. Relatively small plants, average growth rate. Rare plant, hardy in zone 5
Plants, Cuttings
Temple Juniper
Juniperus rigida

Plants propagated by cuttings and layering. Small plants that grow fast in the ground
Plants, Cuttings
Weeping Temple Juniper
Juniperus rigida

This is a really cool looking Juniper. Fast-growing and hardy in zone 5. I have a limited number of cuttings, they take a long time to root so can only trade for plants that I really want to find for the time being.
'Pendula' Cuttings

Very nice BRIGHT red true dwarf variety. Like all my other crape myrtle, won't be ready until mid-late summer. August would be the best time to ask me about these. Does not get mildew or leaf spot like some of the others.
'Cherry Dazzle' Seeds, Plants, Cuttings

Nice dwarf crepe myrtle with dark pink flowers
'Raspberry Dazzle' Plants, Cuttings
Lagerstroemia indica

Rooted cuttings and plants. One of the best red crepe myrtles although personally I prefer the darker red flowers and smaller size of Siren Red. I also have two other reds: Siren Red and Cherry Dazzle (dwarf crepe myrtle, hardy)
'Dynamite' Plants, Cuttings
Lagerstroemia indica

Rooted cuttings, small number available right now but can root them quickly. Grows quickly when pushed with water and fertilizer. Also have two other reds: Dynamite and Cherry Dazzle
'Siren Red' Plants, Cuttings
Lagerstroemia x fauriei

Plants and rooted cuttings. Fast grower and a nice crepe myrtle. I also have three reds: Dynamite, Siren Red and Cherry Dazzle (dwarf with cherry red flowers)
'Sioux' Plants, Cuttings
Leptodermis Species
Leptodermis oblonga

Several available
Plants, Cuttings
Berberis Species
Mahonia aquifolium
Plants, Cuttings
Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Grown from hardwood cuttings and semi-hardwood, so all of them are ready mid-late summer. Only have a limited number available
'Miss Grace' Plants, Cuttings
Podocarpus Species
Podocarpus macrophyllus
'Maki' Plants, Cuttings
'George Reynolds' Plants
'Golden Lights' Plants
'Orchid Lights' Plants, Cuttings

Sambucus nigra

Just got a few of these that I'm willing to propagate and share. Don't know a whole lot about them except they have nice foliage and get pretty big. It does give the effect of a lace-leaf Japanese maple and is much tougher. It will look better if it is cut back and they can get Spider mites so it's a good idea to keep an eye out and spray for them if they become a problem.
'Black Lace' Plants, Cuttings
Stewartia Species
Stewartia pseudocamellia

Rooted cuttings.
Syringa vulgaris

Divisions off of my large plant. Has always been a heavy flower producer and reliable as well. Very nice lilac, beautiful flower color and very fragrant!
'President Grevy' Plants
Syringa vulgaris

Divisions off of my plant
'Wedgwood Blue' Plants
Vaccinium virgatum

Rooted cuttings and small plants
'Legacy' Plants, Cuttings
Viburnum sargentii
'Onondaga' Plants, Cuttings
Viburnum Hybrid
Viburnum x burkwoodii

A few good sized plants and some rooted cuttings
Plants, Cuttings

Do not have any that are nice enough for trades yet. I can always take more cuttings and they root pretty quickly so feel free to ask
'Carnaval' Cuttings
Weigela florida

One of my favorite varieties. Stems are stronger and it holds up better in late summer even in pots. Doesn't flop over as badly as some of the others and the red flowers are a nice contrast to the foliage. I still keep them cut back because they can get leggy. It usually flowers again late in summer. Hummingbirds like it too. Probably one of the better ones I have for warmer areas.
'Red Prince' Plants, Cuttings
Weigela florida

Small plants from rooted cuttings. This is a small variety but grows quickly from cuttings.
'Spilled Wine' Plants, Cuttings
Weigela florida

Very easy to root from softwood cuttings so if you'd like one just ask
'Wine & Roses' Cuttings


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