Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from ptkexpres

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Cercis Species
Cercis canadensis

Will have plants in the spring. Have a few seeds now.
Seeds, Plants Image
Claytonia Species
Claytonia virginica
Fuzzy Deutzia
Deutzia scabra

Beautiful spring bloomer
'Flore-pleno' Cuttings Image
Diospyros Species
Diospyros virginiana

Delicious fruit in fall... good for making jam, cakes, pies, cookies, etc.
Euonymus fortunei
'Coloratus' Plants, Cuttings
Weeping Forsythia
Forsythia suspensa

Weeping forsythia forms large deciduous bush with arching canes. Full sun for best flowering. Any soil. Grows 8-10' tall x 10-15' wide. One of the first plants to bloom in the spring. Blooms bright yellow 1-2" flowers along canes before leafing out. Blooms on previous year's growth. Prune immediately after blooming finishes so as to not cut off canes that will bloom the following spring. Hardy to zone 5. Makes a great hedge screen, cascading over walls, or on slopes. Very easy to transplant and to root.
Plants, Cuttings
Hedera Species
Hedera helix

The photo that popped up with this listing shows balck berries on the plant. Mine has never produced any berries!!!
Plants, Cuttings
Species Daylily
Hemerocallis fulva

Also know as - Orange Daylily, Tawny Daylily, Tiger Daylily
Hibiscus syriacus

Very easy to grow deciduous perennial plant. Full sun to light shade. Hardy to zone 5. Any soil OK. Easily transplanted. Grows 8-10' tall, 6-8' wide upright branching growth habit. Can be pruned to make a single trunk small tree. Blooms almost all summer until frost. These are mixed colors of pink, purple and white. Some are single flowers - some are double. Single flowers are 5 petaled, 2-4" across, and have dark purple or wine colored eye. Flowers are edible and make great cut flowers.
Seeds Image

Ipomoea nil
(Ipomoea nil 'Scarlett O'Hara')


This gorgeous 8-10 foot climbing vine is perfect for the mailbox, fence, or trellis!
Blooms are 4 inches across, deep red colored, have a velvety texture, and are held wide-open... Scarlet O'Hara will wow them!

They bloom in abundance in summer and fall, opening in the morning and closing by late afternoon. This vine is fast-growing, vigorous, easy to grow, and drought tolerant.
Morning glories can be direct-sown, but if you want even earlier blooms, start the seeds ahead indoors.

It can tolerate a bit of shade--though blazing sun is its preference--and is especially useful in dry soils, where other plants have not been content.
'Scarlett O'Hara' Seeds
Hyacinth Bean
Lablab purpureus
'Ruby Moon' Seeds
Lonicera Species
Lonicera maackii
Plants, Cuttings
Miscanthus sinensis
'Gracillimus' Plants
Ornithogalum Species
Ornithogalum umbellatum

Star of Bethlehem
Parthenocissus Species
Parthenocissus quinquefolia

This is a great plant for errosion control or to cover a dead tree stump. It grows quickly and has beautiful color in the fall.
Pennisetum alopecuroides
'Moudry' Seeds

Salvia unknown
This plant takes full sun to perform at its best. It will take almost any well drained soil except heavy clay, and will not tolerate wet winter conditions. It is drought tolerant after it is well established and very hardy in zones 5-8 for sure. It forms a 2-foot tall by 3-foot wide bush with woody stems that may be trimmed back to newly emerging growth or strong stems in spring. In early to mid-summer, it sends up purple flower spikes. Under ideal conditions this salvia may self-sow seeds in fall if seed heads are left on the plants. Seedlings are easily removed in the spring and can be moved if desired in another location.
Stachys Species
Stachys byzantina


(Stachys byzantina)


From Wikipedia:
Stachys byzantina (syn. S. lanata; Lamb's-ear or Lamb's Ear) is a species of Stachys, native to Turkey, Armenia, and Iran. It is cultivated over much of the temperate world as an ornamental plant, and is naturalised in some locations as an escape from gardens. Plants are very often found under the synonym Stachys lanata or Stachys olympica.

Lamb's Ear flowers in late spring and early summer, plants produce tall spike-like stems with a few reduced leaves. The flowers are small and either white or pink. The plants tend to be evergreen but can "die" back during cold winters and regenerate new growth from the crowns. In warmer climates they may grow year-round, but suffer where it's hot and humid. They are easy to grow, preferring partial shade to full sunlight and well-drained soils not rich in nitrogen.

Description -

Perennial herbs usually densely covered with gray or silver-white, silky-lanate hairs. They are named lambs ears because of the curved shape and white, soft, fur like hair coating. Flowering stems are erect, often branched, and tend to be 4-angled, growing 40-80 cm tall. The leaves are thick and somewhat wrinkled, densely covered on both sides with gray-silver colored, silky-lanate hairs, the under sides more silver-white in color than the top surfaces. The leaves arranged oppositely on the stems and 5 to 10 cm long. Leaf petioles semiamplexicaul (the bases wrapping half way around the stem) with the basal leafs having blades oblong-elliptic in shape, measuring 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide (though variation exists in cultivated forms), The leaf margins are crenulate but covered with dense hairs, the leaf apexes attenuate, gradually narrowing to a rounded point. The flowering spikes are 10-22 cm long, producing verticillasters that each have many flowers and are crowded together over most of the length on the spike-like stem. The leaves produced on the flowering stems are greatly reduced in size and subsessile, the lower ones slightly longer than the interscholastic and the upper ones shorter than the verticillasters. Leaf bracteoles linear to linear-lanceolate in shape and 6 mm long. The flowers have no pedicels (sessile) and the calyx is tubular-campanulate in shape, being slightly curved and 1.2 cm long. The calyx is glabrous except for the inside surface of the teeth, having 10-veins with the accessory veins inconspicuous. The 2-3 mm long calyx teeth are ovate-triangular in shape and are subequal or the posterior teeth larger, with rigid apices. Corollas with some darker purple tinted veins inside, 1.2 cm long with silky-lanate hairs but bases glabrous. The corolla tubes are about 6 mm long with the upper lip ovate in shape with entire margins; the lower lips are subpatent with the middle lobe broadly ovate in shape, lateral lobes oblong. The stamen filaments are densely villous from the base to the middle. Styles much exserted past the corolla. Immature nutlets with out hairs, brown in color and oblong in shape.

Cultivated over much of the temperate parts of the world and naturalized in some locations as an escapee from gardens.

Lamb's Ear is a commonly grown plant for children's gardens or used as an edging plant, in Brazil is also used as a edible herb, called Lambari, as they are easy to grow and the thick felt like leaves are fun to touch. It has sometimes been used as a medicinal plant. A number of cultivars exist including white flowering forms, plants with shorter habit and plants that do not bloom as much.
Seeds Image
Canadian Yew
Taxus canadensis

CANADIAN YEW -- great for hedges... the photo is of a hedge in my yard that never gets pruned.... you can prune it to keep it more formal looking


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