Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from pbpoulsen

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail

aquilegia canadensis
'wild red/yellow columbine' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

arisaema triphyllum
'jack in the pulpit' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

asarum canadense
'wild ginger' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

athyrium felix-femina
'lady fern' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

baptisia australis
'wild blue false indigo' Seeds, Plants

belamcanda chinensis
'blackberry lily' Seeds
Bergenia Species
bergenia cordifolia
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

cerastium tomentosum
'white with silvery evergreen foliage' Seeds

dicentra cucullaria
'Dutchman's Britches' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
eupatorium rugosum

'chocolate' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

old fashioned, from grandparents
'single orange' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Ligularia Species
ligularia dentata
Seeds, Plants

ligularia stenocephala
'rocket' Seeds, Plants

matteuccia struthiopteris
'osrtrich fern' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

paeonia ?lactiflora,? suffuticosa, ?officinalis
from grandparents, old fashioned big fluffy pink. Have many large clumps in 3 gallon pots.
'double pink.' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

pardancanda norissi
'candy lily' Seeds

phlox particulata
pastels and white
'tall phlox' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

phytostegia virginiana
'obedient plant, pink/lilac' Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs
Primula Species
primula vulgaris

Small red/yellow flowers. Extremely hardy for Minnesota.
Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

prunus tomentosa
'Nanking cherry' Plants

scilla siberica
'siberian squill ' Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

silpium perfoliatum
'cup plant' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

stylophorum diphyllum
I have 2 different varieties, one has 1.25 inch single blooms and oval seed case, the other has 1 inch double blooms and long, beanlike seed cases, otherwise foliage is nearly identical.
'Celadine poppy, wood poppy' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

tradescantia virginiana
'fushia' Plants

tricyrtis formosana
'toad lily' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

tricyrtis hirta
'toad lily' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

viola canadensis
'tall white violet' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs

viola sororia
'wild blue violet, Minnesota' Seeds, Plants, Roots, Tubers and Bulbs


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