Photo by Melody
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Trading Lists: Items available from mgeno

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Epiphyllum Species
Epiphyllum oxypetalum
Plants, Cuttings Image
Haworthia Species
Haworthia retusa

It's an easy content succulent that requires nothing more than some light and water. I love how it looks, root bound and bursting from a pot.
Selenicereus Species
Selenicereus chrysocardium

I was given a couple clippings of this plant by an old friend over a decade ago. She told me it was a night blooming cereus, but I've discovered my plant belongs on this page.
Mine thrives in full sun and regular weekly waterings. See my pictures of it.

Strangely though, a clipping from this plant grew into the night blooming cereus version. If anyone can explain this, I'd be very interested. You see, a broken off piece stuck into a pot of soil grew into a spear-like leaved plant that also has identical blooms to the parent plant here.
Plants Image


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