Photo by Melody

Trading Lists: Items available from markciotti

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Plant NameCultivarTypeThumbnail
Crassula Species
Crassula arborescens

Plants, Cuttings
Crassula ovata
'Crosby's Compact' Plants, Cuttings
Crassula ovata
'Tricolor' Plants, Cuttings
Crassula Species
Crassula tetragona

My acre of mostly decomposed granite is full of these. Some stand as high as 3 feet (in areas under trees where they're searching for more light).
San Pedro Martir Cypress
Cupressus arizonica var. montana

Purchased from Tree of Life Nursery in San Juan Capistrano, CA (Not available for trade)
Fockea Species
Fockea edulis

I have many (approximately 300) Fockea Edulis raised from seed. Caudex sizes range from 1 inch to 4 inches in diameter. Several produced flowers and seed pods last year. Looking to sell or trade
Seeds, Plants
Opuntia Species
Opuntia robusta

I have many patches of Opuntia Robusta. Many pads exceed 20 inches in diameter.
Contact me if interested in trading for some of them.
Plants, Cuttings
Osteospermum fruticosum
'Brightside' Plants
Osteospermum fruticosum
'Wildside' Plants
Pachyphytum Species
Pachyphytum oviferum

'Desert Museum' Seeds, Plants
Cercidium Species
Parkinsonia florida
Seeds, Plants


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